The internet connection is finally up here in Malaysia, so I'm gonna dedicate a post to Mr Zhang Shi Min (:
Before that,
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE OUT THERE! :D Aye, Shi Min, as well as his friends (e.g, Wang Xiao Lin), please do take note that this particular post that I am making is not going to be any friendly
warnings, or I would say,
reminders, unlike the past.
Since a long time ago, probably last year, I had started giving you, Shimin, friendly reminders that you should come for act. Occasionally, I would also "borrow" your stuff to make you turn up for act. No, don't expect me to say
sorry about that, I don't feel remorseful and I won't be a hypocrite. You know, frankly speaking, I still think that you deserve it. Now, since this period marks a new year, I shall also change my tactic of making you come to act. I don't care how this sounds to you, or rather, I
shall not care
UNTIL you finally turn up for act. You know, Peihao had actually voiced out all the grievances I had, so, because of that most he made, my thoughts have been refreshed. All of a sudden, I realised, I had an ego too. Since persuading you nicely to make you turn up for acts doesn't work, I'll resort to something else.
No, Shimin, do not think that I don't know how you manage to escape past us every Tuesday and Friday. I even know the accomplices who help you. Thanks to Andy and Wan Eu, I've even managed to come up with a method to thwart you from escaping. But no, I'm sure that you've your ego too, I wouldn't want to embarass you.
Would you like me to print out photos of you in black and white and stick it around to school, just to remind you to come for act? No fret, if you're interested to see if I would do it, I can tell you straight here, I mean what I say. If you want to try me, just try to pon for one last time. That would be the trigger. But don't regret it. Not only will I print photos of you out in black and white, I'd do other stuff too.
I remember that you gave me an extremely smug smile two days ago, in the hall. Waving ecstatically to me, saying "
HELLO KEN". You know, I'm not an idiot. Very obviously, I knew that you were mocking at me, and I'm not ignorant. I'm sure that what I said in reply still remains fresh in your memory. And I'm gonna repeat it, here and now.
Shimin, would you like to join Jingyee, Peihao, Mrs Look and I for a cup of tea this coming Wednesday? Being the very generous person that I always am, I would be more than willing to treat you to 10 cups of tea, which costs only $8. Perhaps I'd ask for the premium tea leaves that originate from India, topped with fresh milk. I meant what I said, Jingyee and I, have planned to consult Mrs Look. No, we're not joking.
:D Thats just for you to know. And to your accomplices like Xiao Lin, that applies to you too. If I were to drag Shimin down into hot soup, I would drag all of you into it too. Having more mushrooms in the mushroom soup would definitely make the mushroom soup tastier, unless those are rotten mushrooms.
Thats about it, so, if you don't know, I'm going to consult Mrs Look with the other two dearest squadmates of mine this coming Wednesday. So, if you don't come on Friday, you'd get a real sweet present from us. (:
Thats about it for this section.
Here comes the next.
Frankly speaking, I don't think there's a need to ban those people who're tagging rubbish on our tagboards. I don't mind, if they decide to use profanities, that'd be even better. I would have more aspects to report to Mrs Look if that's the case. But if Peihao and the rest of the squad has decided to do so, I'm fine with it. And yes, I would definitely take care of the tagboard of the squad blog too, since it's one of our means of communication, I would definitely hope that it is indeed convenient for all of us to chat on. So yes, mostly, we would like to see a tagboard that has friendly discussions on it, and free of Shimin's classmates' nonsensical spamming as well. For one, I can tell that their Lang' arts suck, I could barely understand their amateur language used in their tags.
Now, here comes the discussion on the poll for the Squad general, Assistant squad general, Treasurers, Event managers, and also the head of the Welfare comm'. The online voting has proved to be extremely inefficient, thanks to people with the likes of Shimin and his classmates. So if any of you have any suggestions on how we should go about with the voting of the above positions, please do suggest them on the tagboard. Every suggestion will be taken into serious consideration.
Right, so lets end this formal talk.
Does anyone want bubblegums? I'm currently in Malaysia, so, most probably, I'd smuggle back loads of bubblegums. So if any of you are interested in them, tell me when I'm in school alright!
Once again, I wish all of you a
P.S. Shimin, though it appears that I dislike you alot, if you were to come for act, I'd be more than willing to accept you into our ranks again. RVNP S1'08 has never been complete without you. The 34 of us, together, forms one bonded squad. Remember that, we're waiting for you.
P.S.S. I think hor, we should all meet up someday after school to start discussing for ITC. We're running out of time already, lets hope that loads of people turn up for the discussion k! (:
P.S.S.S Thanks for all your co-operation k!