♥ Monday, November 23, 2009
[[RVNP Sec01 'o8]] journeys♥
part two of drill notes
part three of drill notes
For the squadmates who have yet to get the hardcopy of the drill notes, please get it from me, next promo act or whatever. Meanwhile, here's the softcopy. (doesn't mean you people print from here and don't take the hardcopy, ok? I don't need to keep extra >10 sets for myself...)
Jing Yee
♥ Our Journeys Our Life
11/23/2009 12:38:00 PM
♥ Friday, November 13, 2009
[[RVNP Sec01 'o8]] journeys♥
Hi squadmates:)
We learnt something new (although not necessarily to some) during drill session today. We were practising WOC and NCO taught us a way to shout out the command so that it sounds more alert and can also add more marks to your clarity section of the test..
Here it goes:
Every command will have 3 parts to it - Introductory, Precautionary, and Executionary. When shouting the command, u have to pause for a while after saying the first two parts to alert your squad, before shouting out the last part.
Squad, Se-di-a! In this case,
*Squad will be the introductory
*Se-di will be the precautionary
*a will be the excutionary
--One thing to note: the executionary part will be the STRESS>. that means . u have to say the first two parts then the executionary will be the LOUDEST and MOST IMPACTFUL...
Yea, hope everyone gets it...
I'll post another post when necessary... in case i forgot to post about anything, pls leave a tag at the tagboard..
♥ Our Journeys Our Life
11/13/2009 09:48:00 PM
♥ Tuesday, November 10, 2009
[[RVNP Sec01 'o8]] journeys♥
Squadmates, for the uniform spare parts that Nco Ongmin passed back, we have one belt that has no name whatsoever on it. Who's is it?Please send me a message as soon as possible so I know who to pass it to during Friday's act.
Jing Yee
♥ Our Journeys Our Life
11/10/2009 01:22:00 PM
♥ Friday, November 6, 2009
[[RVNP Sec01 'o8]] journeys♥
hey, the format would be the same as ATC reflection for this TTD silver badge thing.QUOTED FROM PREVIOUS POST: Total Defence Silver Badge Research (centralised+underlined)(fontsize:17)
--> (title of your research) [bold + font size 15]--Leave a line--
................................................... write wdv you want ........................................................
(leave a line for every para)
(leave a line)
Ng Shou Fong, (the front letter for every part of your name have to be in CAPS)( comma please)
Hotshots! (follow this "Hotshots!" EXACTLY)
i mean really exactly hor.
as in th CAPS 'H' and small 's' and th exclaimation mark. (:
thkq! <3
and the font is arial 12 for the contents and single spacing in case you all dunnoe. :D
♥ Our Journeys Our Life
11/06/2009 11:04:00 AM