Hello Squadmates (:
im being random here,
so you can ignore it if you want to :/
i randomly uploaded this picture (:
i think it was from last year as it still had I-Lin in it :D
idk what we were doing to her that time (!)
she look so poor thing eh HAHA :X
next thing [:
as you all know,
ROD is coming ._.
and other than the dance,
we still have to prepare the presents (!)
i shall now open the dicussions to what presents we should give them :D
just joking.
but we could all put in some suggestions,
i think it would help those people preparing the presents :}
ROD is in 2 weeks (if im not wrong)
i had a talk with the teacher mam (ms lim?)
LOL she is niceee x)
im not mentally prepared yet ):
for ROD
going crazy already :X
i rather take more acts of torture. (S)
we havent learnt ALOT (i think)
JIAYOU SQUADMATES ♥NCO Jovi said something like ' s3, you all can do it. if anyone look down on you all, hit them'
even other people believe we can do it (!)
we cannot let our squad ICs down okay.
like some people say,
we may be th worst batch of NCOs ever,
but if we try our best,
maybe we can reach to the standard of NCOs within these 2 short weeks (:
HotShots Ftw!
♥-ShouFong :D